Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So many things...

So many things I should be doing right now....

I should be cleaning the house.
I should be doing the dishes.
I should be organizing the house.
I should be organizing the garage.
I should be listing stuff on Craigslist.
I should be writing a {real} blog post.
I should be working out.
I should be doing laundry.
I should be doing my taxes.
I should be editing pictures.
I should be painting the giant canvas in my kitchen.
I should be touching up the paint on the walls.
I should be cleaning out the fridge.
I should be making a grocery list.
I should be planning out the rest of my week.
I should be figuring out what I'm going to wear to the ballet on Friday.

So many things I should be doing right now....BUT...

I'm going to cuddle with my girl and take a nap.  Because this time with her is fleeting all to quickly and it is {way} more important that any of the things I should be doing. 

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